Install it (non GCP)

Install it (non GCP)


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Installation using Helm


You will need the below tools installed in order to deploy Swiftflow on premise :

Request Helm package and Docker images

You can contact us on [email protected] in order to request the necessary archives (Helm package and Docker images) plus a dedicated license to deploy Swiftflow on premise.

Install the Application resource definition

An Application resource is a collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, and so on, that you can manage as a group.

To set up your cluster to understand Application resources, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f ""

You need to run this command once.

The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on

Deploy Swiftflow using Helm

Let’s assume that you want to deploy Swiftflow in the default kubernetes namespace and give the Helm release name “MY_RELEASE”. Let’s also assume that you have stored the Swiftflow Helm archive in the current directory and that the Docker repository for both Swiftflow and its data is “my.docker.repo/swiftflow”.

helm install \
  --set swiftflow.image.repo="my.docker.repo/swiftflow" \
  --set swiftflow.image.tag="1.0" \
  --set"1.0" \
  --set swiftflow.replicas=1 \
  --set swiftflow.serviceaccount="default" \
  --set swiftflow.resources.requests.cpu="100m" \
  --set swiftflow.resources.request.memory="2Gi"\
  --set swiftflow.resources.limits.cpu="2000m" \
  --set swiftflow.resources.limits.memory="4Gi"\
  --set imageNginx="nginx:1.19.9" \
  --set nominatim.local=false . MY_RELEASE \
  --set swiftflow.license="MY_LICENSE" \
  --set imageSqlite="swiftflow-sqlite:1.0"

Values references

Value Description
swiftflow.image.repo the repository url where you image is stored
swiftflow.image.tag the swiftflow image tag you want to deploy the swiftflow data image tag you want to deploy
swiftflow.replicas the number of pods hosting swiftflow API you want to deploy
swiftflow.serviceaccount the service account name you want to be used by your Pods
swiftflow.resources.request.cpu the CPU request for each swiftflow Pod
swiftflow.resources.request.memory the Memory request for each swiftflow Pod
swiftflow.resources.limits.cpu the CPU limits for each swiftflow Pod
swiftflow.resources.limits.memory the Memory limit for each swiftflow Pod
swiftflow.persistence.storageClass the storage class for the swiftflow Pod persistence volume claim
swiftflow.persistence.size the swiftflow Pod persistence volume claim size
imageNginx the fully qualified url of the Nginx image repository(repository + tag)
nominatim.local selector for using a custom nominatim instance, should be false until this feature has been released with Swiftflow
swiftflow.license license received by e-mail
imageSqlite image version of the SQLite database

Installation as standalone application


Swiftflow requires at least Java 8 installed on the target system and present in your PATH.

Request the Swiftflow jar and its data

You can contact us on [email protected] in order to request the necessary archives (Jar file and its location data file) plus a dedicated license to deploy Swiftflow on premise.

Start Swiftflow

Make sure to properly configure your swiftflow.conf configuration file (see the Admin guide). Execute the below command to start swiftflow :

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar swiftflow-api.jar

You can now access Swiftflow at http://localhost:9000/.